get up, and KICK ass

I called LCF today, wondering about a letter that I am yet to receive.. Apparently, they have not changed my country of residence, so the letters have been sent to a "Bergbyvägen" in Sweden.. and not Finland. nice. Loving the postal-service right now.
Well anyway.. I have to take this IELTS-test before starting in september, so I have tried to contact the Finnish-British society for about a week now, and today a snooty voice told me that they're out on holiday until the 5th of August. Panic attack panic attack panic attack ! Well, I called LCF again if I can take the test in the UK, and so I will.  All I have to do is move a bit earlier than planned. But why not? I will have a few weeks to settle down, find a job, find peace.

It's funny how things work out, when you make it work.

Postat av: katrin

e int du i vasa namer nar ja kommer da? :o

2009-07-16 @ 01:54:33
Postat av: matias

Men kommer inte du i augusti hit? Jag åker typ 2a september!

2009-07-16 @ 15:51:58
Postat av: katrin

jamen va bra! ja kommer hem 15 aug :)

2009-07-17 @ 10:41:30
Postat av: matias

Nåo hätä!

2009-07-17 @ 11:45:43

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